Branding | Errata 062 - Translation Agency

Errata 062 - Rebranding Project

Made by Plattos Studios / Designers: Álvaro Alves & Allan Gallo

Errata 062 is a communication company based in São Paulo, BR. It was created one year ago and it's founders thought it was time for a brand redesign. Errata was born with the goal to change the copywriting/translation industry, delivering customized solutions based on the context and receptor of the text they were working with. This company have strong values about human relations and slow-content philosofy. Detaching itself from the other companies, E062 probably will not work as fast as the other translation companies, but will provide depth and meaning to the message you are willing to communicate.

This rebranding project was approached differently. We dived deep into the company services and understood the core principles by interviewing and sending formularies with useful questions. Maybe the client thought we were being a little too boring for using a lot of their time at the beginning, but the final results changed their mind. That was the first project that we were not trying to rush, the deadlines were great and we had plenty of time to improve our design after each alteration. It's important to remember how much importance the client has in our craft, there is no pointless alteration when the briefing is well defined and your goals are set clear.

The best compliment we received from doing this project was: "This identity will be of great use in our routine. It connect with our beliefs of what an communication agency should be".

That's all Design is about. Being Useful and connect with others.

Hope you like,

Branding | Errata 062 - Translation Agency

Branding | Errata 062 - Translation Agency

This was a rebranding project made for a Communication/Translation Agency based in São Paulo, BR called Errata 062. In this project, we redesigne Read More
