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白石龙野生音乐会视觉设计-Concert Visual Design


Time To Market:2021


In the second season of the Baishilong Wildlife Concert, the concert is composed of "people" stories. The musicians on the side of the road or in the park tell the moving notes. From the village in the city represented by Bai Shilong, he expresses it in visual language, and puts forward the visual design concept "edge" of this season-a testimony rooted in the ontology and removed from the perspective of the elite. Inspired by the leasing notice of the village in the city, the adhesive tape on the express box, they are ubiquitous in daily life, and they are an indispensable part. The design uses street text, color blocks of different sizes, pictures and "tape" combined together, they can be combined in any different layouts, while maintaining consistency while being wild. Just like this group of musicians, adapt to this dream experimental ground.

白石龙野生音乐会视觉设计-Concert Visual Design

白石龙野生音乐会视觉设计-Concert Visual Design

