What are the causes of foot pain and what are the treatments available to treat foot pain?
A recent study by the College of Podiatry revealed that the average walking distance we cover in our entire lifetime is almost equal to walking six times around the world. Amazing, isn’t it!

As soon as we wake up, we start using the intricate mechanism of our feet. Sometimes due to an injury, overuse or maybe because of our increasing age, our feet start to cause discomfort. In fact, foot pain treatment is one of the most common internet searches in Australia during the summers. A recent study conducted to analyse the notable internet search trends related to musculoskeletal pain revealed that most people search for ankle and sore feet treatment in the summer and the search terms related to heel pain treatment get popular during the winter months. Australians tend to get more active during the summer and due to their lifestyle overuse or injury in any part of the foot becomes a common ailment. If you are one of them who can’t go to work due to sore heels oraresomebody who wakes up every morning with a stabbing pain in the ankle region, then prioritize resting your foot as much as possible and for further guidance find a podiatrist near you.

What causes foot pain?
33 joints are functioning in your foot and ankle region. Any one of them might be damaged or malfunctioned and as a result, you are feeling discomfort. There are a variety of factors causing sore heels and feet.

Plantar Fasciitis: It is the most common cause of  pain experienced on the bottom of the heel. Obesity or physically stressful activities cause this inflammatory condition which is mostly experienced during the morning hours.

Achilles tendonitis: The condition is described with pain at the back of the heel. It is the area where the Achilles tendon is located that connects your foot to the calf muscle. With continued stress on these tendons, you will feel that the pain is intensifying.

Heel spur: Ever experienced immediate sensations of foot pain that subside when you walk? It may be a heel spur which is basically a calcium deposit buildup under the heel and the arch of the foot. Both arthritis and excess body weight are the culprits behind heel spurs.

Sprain or strains: A variety of strenuous physical activities can also cause mild to severe range of sprains or strains in the foot region.

Diabetes and arthritis: Those who feel pain accompanied by numbness are most probably suffering from diabetic neuropathy, whereas arthritis condition results in inflammatory discomfort along with redness and swelling around the joints.

What to do when you experience foot pain?
The pain threshold is different for every individual; some of us manage to walk despite the discomfort, while others feel that pain is almost disabling. Don’t affect your quality of life due to any discomfort. Sometimes adequate resting along with some simple home remedies also offer a significant amount of relief.

Try to rest your feet as much as possible
Avoid walking barefoot
Apply ice packs on the affected area twice a day for about 15 minutes
Take over the counter anti-inflammatory medications for short term relief
Use shoe inserts or heel lifts to ease the discomfort
Night splints are also helpful for a sound sleep
Try some simple leg and calf work-outs

When to consult a doctor for sore feet?
The above listed home remedies are often helpful for mild to moderate types of discomfort. However, when you feel that the pain is getting severe day by day and none of the care strategies are working as expected then you should seek professional consultation. You may also visit a foot and nail clinic nearby to get some footwear advice, which is often helpful for people with diabetes and arthritis.

If you feel that your pain is caused due to an injury then you can wait for three to five days. The pain should start to subside after a couple of days; if it isn’t,ten go see a podiatrist.

What are your treatment options for feet and heel pain?

Certain conditions like heel spurs are not easily diagnosed. You have to get them examined with medical imaging. A podiatrist will take an x-ray and conduct the biomechanical examination to identify any structural and functional issues causing discomfort in the foot, heel or ankle regions. After locating the source of the problem, the experts will suggest to you any of the following treatment regimens:

Orthotic therapy
Footwear advice
Stretching regime
Muscular strapping
Acute treatment options

Sometimes the right kind of support is all you need for an effective sore heel treatment. A podiatrist can precisely assess your condition and recommend custom-made orthotics to provide the needed support to your heels. Additionally, there are certain non-operative treatments like therapies that can relieve 97% of foot and heel pain within a duration of 6 months.

Foot and heel soreness is very common among adults. Often the pain subsides with some simple at-home remedies. That doesn’t mean you should wait and make the situation worse. If your condition is somewhat disabling, find a podiatrist nearby for precise medical imaging and the right treatment. For more information on sore feet treatment visit Suncoast Podiatry, which is the most trusted and highly rated foot and nail clinic on the Sunshine Coast. 
Podiatrist Gympie

Podiatrist Gympie


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