Rear window.

In the boot of my father’s Citroen id20 station wagon, there were two side-facing seats.
they were my special seats.
Here I could create my own little world, piling up books, carving a stick with my pocket knife, eat apples from the garden.
From here I could watch the scenery going by, wave at the cars behind us, look at the city lights, catching a glimpse of people’s life as my dad’s car whizzed past them.
Meanwhile, my 3 sisters were on the back seat playing with dolls and arguing…

Cars are a fascinating way to observe the behavior of people and often a reflection of their social status, life challenges, priorities.
I also love the way a car can become a tool for me.
something to shoot through voyeuristically, to add depth and also tell a story, or hint at something deeper.
Rear window.
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Rear window.

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