Joe Wilcock 님의 프로필

Convertible Extractor fan for Kitchen/Quiz show use

A 'convertible' extractor fan system with storage space designed to be used in a Kitchen/Quiz show TV set (2nd Year project)
This was created as part of a group project brief that required us to design an interchangeable filming set for TV game shows and cooking shows in the same space. 
The storage shelf can be moved up and down using a motorised rack and pinion system.

The extractor is designed to be suspended from the ceiling by wires.
Sliding wooden panels can be opened to reveal 3 monitors used for audience cues.
The large tv could be used for displaying scores etc when the set is being used for a quiz show.
The large TV can be raised and lowered using a winch system.
Marker rendered concept sketches
Convertible Extractor fan for Kitchen/Quiz show use


Convertible Extractor fan for Kitchen/Quiz show use
