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Colision — Lost Ghosts Vol.1 Tour 2021

Client: Colision  –  Discipline: Graphic Design, Photography, Music.

Colision — Lost Ghosts Vol.I Tour 2021
Grungegaze, heavy shoegaze, post hardcore… Qualifiez les comme vous voulez, toujours est-il que les bordelais de Colision ont appris à regarder autre chose que leurs pieds, à fixer l’horizon dans le but de faire évoluer un registre au dessus duquel plane inévitablement l’ombre de Nothing. Sans tomber dans la pâle copie pour autant, le quatuor creuse son sillon pour la sortie de leur nouvel Ep, Lost Ghosts Vol.I et la tournée hexagonale qui s'en suit, deux ans après son premier témoignage discographique, Healing Is Not Linear.

Colision - Lost Ghosts Vol.I Tour 2021
Grungegaze, heavy shoegaze, post hardcore... Call them what you will, but the fact remains that Colision from Bordeaux have learned to look beyond their own feet, to stare at the horizon in order to make a register evolve above which the shadow of Nothing inevitably hovers. Without falling into the pale copy for all that, the quartet digs its furrow for the release of their new Ep, Lost Ghosts Vol.I and the hexagonal tour which follows, two years after its first discographic testimony, Healing Is Not Linear.

Credits : Fonts — Pangram Pangram — Neue Montreal + Editorial New.

Colision — Lost Ghosts Vol.1 Tour 2021

Colision — Lost Ghosts Vol.1 Tour 2021

Colision - Lost Ghosts Vol.I Tour 2021 Grungegaze, heavy shoegaze, post hardcore... Call them what you will, but the fact remains that Colision Rozwiń
