🧠 Mental load​​​​​​​

Illustrating for mental health is a difficult subject to grasp but an exciting one. It is important to present the subject in a subtle and non-violent way. The goal is that everyone can understand the subject as soon as they see the image and transmit a message.

The image also helps to dress up an article or an interface.
This illustration shows the constant involvement of family and friends in the birth of a child: this involvement can sometimes lead to psychological "overflow" for the mother and contributes to the mental load.
This illustration talks about the difficulty of finding your place as a mother and how to bond motherly with her baby.
Being parents can sometimes be like a tsunamy in everyday life.
This illustration highlights this sudden overflow and how difficult it is for parents at first.
Becoming parents can be very tiring!
The first few months of a baby's life upsets the parents' sleep cycle and can cause parents a lot of physiological and psychological tiredness. This illustration shows the child's constant need for his parents.
Mental load

Mental load
