In honor of Herb Lubalin – One of my greatest influences
The poster emphasizes the ways in which Lubalin manipulated type, highlitghting his use of extreme thick and thin strokes. Lubalin's work began a new movement of graphic expression that utilized type as image. My concept on the front of the double sided poster uses projected type in photographic imagary that reminsciences the erotic and gorundbreaking work found in one of Lubalin's publications, Eros. The linework reflects the elegant curves of the figure. 
The back of the poster celebreate Lubalin's editorial work, showing example of his work, a cover of his famous publication, Avant Garde. It also showcases the typeface that was derived from this magazine, Avant Garde Gothic. The copy is a brief biography of Lubalin that discusses his influences, career and contributions to the typographic community.  The colour scheme of the poster reflects Lubalin's quiet personality while the typographic choices were made to reflect the graphic style of Lubalin
Herb Lubalin

Herb Lubalin

In honour of one of my greatest influences
