You Made Me is a campaign for young girls who went through controlling and toxic relationship. 
It’s to expand the issues and bring forward those who went through it 
to stand up for themselves and for them voice out their struggles.  ​​​​​​​
Key Factor
It's common that most young women go through toxic and controlling relationship 
by trying to obey something for someone they love. By that they tend to focus on 
their partners needs more than themselves.

A campaign for those who went through it and 
for them to share their experience via 
the Interactive Installation Booth And Kit.
Installation Booth ​​​​​​​
  EXTERIOR OF THE BOOTH                                                   INTERIOR OF THE BOOTH
Interactive Booth
The purpose of this booth is that you can share with us the things you went through with the person you can't let go of. There are 2 stalls in the booth, you can scan the code on the left side of the booth to share with us anything that you've been wanting to get rid of. The right side of the booth is for those who wants to leave physical items. Place your items according to the sizes they are. The items that you get rid of will either be donated or recycled at end of the day.
Check out the full publication on
Foldable Poster
Stickers & Letter
Compress Process Journal
Check out the full publication on
App Design 
Case Studies Video
Presentation Board
You Made Me
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You Made Me

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