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Buck bike - Your Personal Mobile Workstation

BUCK 行動工作站

BUCK 是一台結合登山和小徑元素的電動助行車。專為上班族設計,其外型簡約俐落;黑白配色完美襯托在都市中穿梭騎行的冷靜感,搭配小徑輪和的一體式車架設計,整體重量輕盈,完美滿足城市通勤和休閒等多功能用途。
BUCK is an electric bicycle that combines the elements of both mountain bikes and small-wheel bikes. It is designed specifically for office workers. Its appearance is simple and neat; the black and white color scheme sets off the calmness of riding in the city, and the integrated frame design with small wheels make the overall bike light weight. It is perfect for urban commuting and any leisure purposes.


Nowadays, more and more office workers choose to use bicycles as a means of commuting and transportation. Cycling bicycles can provide higher flexibility, and it is also quite beneficial to health. However, commuter's working space are often confined to a  limited amount of space. If there is an official business to deal with, they can only choose a coffee shop or simply the roadside.

Therefore, I hope to design a bicycle that can provide users with freedom to work anytime, anywhere.

產品情緒板     統合需求和環境因素等,造型語意走向都市、速度和機能性感

造型發展  在紙面上反覆修改比例,從側視圖抓出整體物件配置的位置,並且轉換為立體後再進行模型上的細修




Thanks for watching!

A Personal Project / from February 2021 to June 2021 in Taiwan

聯絡我 Contact me 

信箱 Mail : jamesyeh0519@gmail.com
社群 Social_media: https://www.instagram.com/?hl=zh-tw

Buck bike - Your Personal Mobile Workstation

Buck bike - Your Personal Mobile Workstation
