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Is medical marijuana helpful for cancer patients

Is medical marijuana helpful for cancer patients - Know the answers
Marijuana is still a very controversial subject. Under this blog post, what we want to discuss now is if medical marijuana (cannabis) benefits or harms people with cancer. We will first look at how cannabis affects patients with lung cancer and then move on to different types of cancers in the rest of the article and will also inform you about the process to get a Medical marijuana card Staten Island. So keep reading!

Details on medical marijuana for cancer patients

Marijuana, also known as cannabis or pot, is one of the most controversial substances in the world. On one side it can be helpful in preventing nausea for cancer patients and relieving pain and stimulating appetite. It can even help with anxiety, which is a common problem with people who have cancer. 

How medical marijuana treats cancer-related problems

The human body creates endocannabinoids – biochemicals that behave like the active compounds in marijuana. These "endocannabinoids" help regulate sleep, appetite, and pain.

When someone smokes marijuana – or applies it topically, consumes it in food, drinks it as a tea, or inhales its vapours through a device called a vaporizer –  its cannabinoids attach to these receptors (CB1 and CB2) causing changes within the body and mind. Medicinal effects of cannabis include pain relief, nausea suppression, appetite stimulation, improved mood or sleep -- all of which are helpful in coping with cancer.

What can medical marijuana do for people with cancer? Here's what studies  show

Pain: Studies show that getting a Medical cannabis card Staten Island and cannabis can reduce neuropathic pain (pain from damaged nerves) resulting from chemotherapy, and it can help relieve cancer pain in patients whose chronic pain has not responded to conventional opioids therapy. Researchers are also looking at whether synthetic cannabinoids may be able to treat inflammation more effectively than NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and aspirin, which have significant gastrointestinal and cardiovascular side effects.

Studies on both animals and humans show that cannabinoids may protect normal cells in the body while reducing adverse effects of radiation treatment for head and neck cancers. Cannabis is not only tolerated well by many patients but shows anti-tumour effects in several animal tumour models. Preliminary clinical data suggest a benefit of smoking cannabis during radiotherapy for lung cancer. 

Health Benefits And Uses Of Medical Marijuana

#1 Cannabis Can Help While Weaning Off Opiates
While weaning off opiates, medical marijuana is helpful in reducing withdrawal symptoms such as pain, cramps, insomnia, and nausea. Therefore, it can be an effective painkiller for cancer patients.
Since cannabis has similar chemical compounds to that of opiates (morphine) and heroin (an opioid), it would cause a feeling of euphoria or being high when consumed resulting in addiction if used regularly. But unlike opiates and heroin which will kill you due to overdose, weed cannot kill even after excessive use hence considered safer than other types of drugs.

#2 Motivate The Apathetic Cancer Patient To Enjoy His/Her Life While Fighting With CancerCancer patients have been found to lose their motivation in life especially those who have terminal cases.

Since cannabis can be helpful in killing pain, it can motivate the cancer patient to realize that he/she is still alive and should still enjoy life while fighting the disease. According to studies, Mmj card Staten Island and hemp oil from cannabis have shown promise in treating apathetic or depressed breast cancer patients. It was also found out that there are two types of cannabinoid receptors namely CB1 and CB2. The former is linked to pleasure-seeking behaviour which also involves motivation hence by stimulating this particular receptor then you might be able to stimulate a sense of motivation among your client who's undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer treatment.

Is medical marijuana helpful for cancer patients

Is medical marijuana helpful for cancer patients

