Who uses stock photography?

Stock photos are mostly for commercial, editorial, entertainment and artistic uses.
We saw them on: Book covers, Pamphlets, Advertisings, Websites, Tv movies and shows, Newspapers, Magazines, and more ( see this website ).

Stock photos are photographs that were stripped from Logos, Drawings, Names, Addresses and everything related to Copyright and/or Private Life. 

As long as you pay the License Fees, you can use regular stock Images mostly everywhere, except of course in abusing or offending material. Unless you bought the sole exclusivity, you cannot resell these images, even modified.

Myphotobase also promote Fair Photography

This website was created to promote Fair Photography for customers & photographers. Photography just doesn’t have to be painful for anyone. On the website, prices are reasonable and sustainable for everyone involved.

** Our Unique and Budget Wise Imagery are made with the Most Creative Spirits in Mind. **



Shop our Quality Royalty-Free Stock Photos and Animations. They should fill your most creative needs, and we're sure you will love them as much a Read More
