„Underwater world of corals in virtual reality”

The underwater world has always evoked human curiosity as our organisms are not adapted to function in this environment. Virtual reality technology allows us to experience what we fear or cannot, physically or mentally, experience in the real world.
​​​​​​​ I made this attempt because I believe that this world is majestically beautiful, but also distant from our hearts due to its geographic location, and I must admit with great regret, that we - humans - are contribute to the destruction of coral reefs, and further - entire underwater ecosystems.
Each location is different. There are 4 locations and they are divided according 
to the health of the coral reefs which is dictated by the temperature of the water. 

Dead reefs
The game starts in the dead coral reef zone, and then we discover how corals looked like before they die.
Coral bleaching
This beautiful white color that covers the ocean floor is the bare skeleton of a coral that is no longer alive.
Emissive corals
Just before coral bleaches it starts fluorescing. They’re producing a chemical sunscreen to protect 
themselves from the heat. This is the most beautiful transformation in nature, a beautiful phase of death.
VR experience

VR experience
