Flou represent an innovative concept in terms of shape and construction of a treddle that
aims topopularize recreation on this type of vessel. The treddel supports healthy exercise in fresh air. Water recreation contributes to physical and spiritual health. The netting provides easy accessibility on themvessel and high comfort. The treddel is designed for fresh or salty water, the mechanical part is lubricated by water. The effective motion is ensured by the propeller. Flou is not assigned only for young people, but for everyone who wants to enjoy unconventional boating on water surface and experience a valuable design. The treddel can be disassembled into parts, which facilitates the transport.
 The design was created on the basis of collected information about market situation, hydrodynamic laws and with the idea to attract attention with its intriguing shape to bring comfort at the water surface. Creativity,attractivity and comfort all define the treddel Flou!


Flou represent an innovative concept in terms of shape and construction of a treddle that aims to popularize recreation on this type of vessel
