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With a little luck, 2014 will be a fantastic year...

With a little luck, 2014 will be a fantastic year for the Netherlands, for Staatsloterij, and also for Lemz. Because we got a chance to make a beautiful film for the Oudejaarstrekking (New Years lottery draw). If we could see into the future, we'd see that it will be an exciting year, full of opportunities. Maybe we'll be able to take our ice skates out of the closet for a great skating tour, and maybe it'll rain gold medals in Sochi, and maybe we'll paint Rio orange. So we should start this year off right with the Oudejaarstrekking and a chance to win 30 million Euros. 
In the online campaign, we're putting our crystal ball aside and asking Staatsloterij fans on Facebook how 2014 will be a fantastic year for them. And with a little luck, we'll even give your wish a chance to come true.
With a little luck, 2014 will be a fantastic year...
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With a little luck, 2014 will be a fantastic year...

...for the Netherlands, for Staatsloterij, and also for Lemz. Because we got a chance to make a beautiful film for the Oudejaarstrekking (New Y Daha Fazla Bilgi

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