BTS - McLaren 570s Interior
The shots behind the image - BTS
Mclaren 570s Brochure - Car Interior

Photography ©AmbientLife | Wallace

Posting a BTS scene each day this week over on our Instagram page at
that shows a little of what it's like behind the scenes doing different shoots.

Shooting car interiors can be a time-consuming task and it is very easy to spend a few hours to light an interior properly for a high-end client like McLaren if it’s for billboard and brochure work as this one was.
This interior shot was part of a series of 45 shots that were completed for our client, McLaren, when we shot the 570s accessories brochure for them, this was the 3rd brochure that we had shot for this client and with this type of work it is all in the details, everything has to be right and every surface has to look correct and at its best given the customer cost of these cars.

The work was shot in studio using continuous lighting and the images attached show the rig that we built over the car to reflect soft light into the cockpit. You will also note that we are using a light stick (Ice light) that has been gelled so that it matches the colour temp of the tungsten lights in studio. Note some of the studio lights outside the car are also gelled lighting to counteract the green tint that windscreens have sometimes and therefore corrects this light as it passes through the windscreen and into the cockpit.

Overall cockpit shots are completed and then smaller pocket areas of detail are addressed using smaller lights such as the light stick and hand-held bounce cards, this is to get the best light possible into the small details such as the McLaren badge on the steering wheel etc.

Camera - Hasselblad H5D
Exposures varied from 5 secs up to 30 secs
BTS - McLaren 570s Interior
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