This game is an RPG-Roguelike game made in Unity2D (C#)

I'm aiming to create a singe-player dungeon crawling, fast paced, action filled game reminiscent of "Binding of Isaac", and other top down shooters.
This project (as of November 3rd, 2021) is nearing its final stages of base-gameplay development, in which I am creating the RPG/fighting/UI/other playstyle mechanics, before adding in all of the roguelike elements.

I plan on bringing this game forward for my career opportunities in the near future, to showcase my abilities to think ahead, and build solid software foundations in which I can expand upon in a later development stage.

This game is one of the first 2D games I've attempted to fully develop, with that, by myself, with credit to a YT tutorial that assisted my development speed with this game to weeks instead of months, as it assisted with various ways to go about approaching problems/tasks within the scripting of the game, and how to use Unity functions I was unfamiliar with at the time.

That being said, all future updates of the roguelike gameplay, and any new art assets/ gameplay mechanics developed will be of my own conception!

Please enjoy this very quick clip I recorded today that shows how far along the base game is, well within the sights of completing a basic RPG game:

First recording of the game within the Unity2D editor. Showcasing the minor gameplay mechanics essential to providing good UX and user interaction within the game.

