A majority of the lightning devices and lamps on the market are generally binary, with only ON and OFF with a specific set temperature of light. In better cases they have adjustable brightness but still with a specific temperature of the light. In best cases they have both but only adjustable one at the time, without being seamlessly connected to each other.

We all already know how a joystick works, even from a young age while playing console games with hand controllers. INTU embodies the joystick into the core of itself. Allowing the user to adjust the brightness and temperature of light in a smooth and gradient way, by an easy and fun interaction with the spoke lever. Tilting the lever outwards the ends increases the level of brightness while changing angle adjusts the temperature of the light you want for the moment.

A warm and gentle light is cosy in the evening while relaxing or reading a book before bed time etc. In the morning and at daytime a more powerful and cooler type of light is often more useful and suitable. The color temperature can be changed in high resolution, in the range of 1000-10 000 Kelvin.

Intuition, simplicity and encouragement of playfulness were all part of the vision in the birth of this concept.

The design is prepared with an additional power cable connector in the bottom, to be able to place the lamp on a floor stand. The lamp could be bought with or without a stand, and the stand could be sold separately as well.

Plastic parts are to be injection molded to enable high volume serial production and achieve low cost per part. A standard LED-strip, which is a flexible circuit board, can easily be mounted in a spiral around the internal core. The LED-strip to be connected to a custom interface which is controlled by the potentiometers data from the joystick. The gradient color scheme around the lever is a sticker that can easily be mass produced at low cost.
INTU Light

INTU Light

This was my submission in Shapl design contest 2021.
