Aditya Narayan SRs profil

How to be Eco Conscious

How to be Eco Conscious
Simple two colour illustrations for screen printing on seed paper. As the paper is rough and the printing on it is a bit challenge, we had to adapt the design for ease of printing.
Save Fuel
Use alternative modes of transportation when possible
Bring your own bag
Take your own bags to buy groceries or For shopping 
Buy local produce
Buy produce that grows locally, This reduces emissions, you also support local businesses
Potable water is a limited resource; to transport it, Clean it also requires energy
Though Nuclear Energy is far ahead than it was, most of our energy come from Thermal Plants
Compost Kitchen Waste
Organic waste in landfills generates, methane. We can reduce it by composting most of the Kitchen wastes
How to be Eco Conscious


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How to be Eco Conscious
