2021 AdobeMAX insider Collaboration TEAM2

AdobeMAX insider Collaboration TEAM2 「なるようになれ(NARUYOUNI NARE)」

OUR CREATIVE「楽しみのためのクリエイティブに正解は存在しない」
(There is no right answer to creativity for JOY)


Relay style production."It was agreed that the previous work would be considered like stock photos and the next person would produce it. This was done based on the agreement that "previous works would be considered like stock photos and produced by the next person. 

1 しふぉん(Photographer)→
2 を。(Graphicer)→
3 げみ(Illustrator)→
4 majocco(Artist,Illustrator)

1 しふぉん/写真(Photograph)

普段から余白を意識して撮影しているのですが、今回はチームでこの後にメンバーが いることを考え、 自分らしさを残しつつ、 より余白を意識した写真を用意しました。 マジックアワーは特に撮影していて楽しい時間なので、その時感じた色や楽しさを写真で表現しました。

I usually take photos with an awareness of the margins, but this time, considering the fact that there would be other members of the team after me, I prepared photos that were more conscious of the margins while retaining my own style. Magic hour is a particularly fun time to shoot, so I tried to express the colors and fun I felt at that time in my photos.

2 を。/グラフィック(Graphic)
+ドラフト・進行管理表の制作(Producing drafts and progress charts)


I tried to keep the "magic hour" and "reflection" in mind when I made this photo. Also, the two pictures are connected, although they are not so simple.

3 げみ/イラスト(Illustration)


I chose one of the two pieces created by I chose one of the two pictures created by Mr. M. I., and made it.
The reason was that I wanted to make a picture that could be viewed in portrait mode, and this one looked gorgeous because of its strong contrast. The motifs are a bird and two dancing men and women.
I drew them with the city at their backs, hoping to convey how they were enjoying their own time.
Also, I wanted to show that they were enjoying their own time with the city behind them. I also wanted to use the motif of "birds", which is common to the work of Ms. Oku, to connect the two works, the photo and the illustration, which have different textures, and to create a sense of movement overall.
At the end of the work, I hope that the "miraculous moment between a bird and a human" will overlap with our own miraculous moment in this collaboration project. I look forward to working with you.

4 majocco/勇気(Courage)
+本資料の作成・チームリーダー(Preparation of this document and team leader)









The finished product has been agreed upon by all participating creators and Adobe.
I am deeply grateful for the generosity, skill, and sincerity of everyone.
Whenever I feel that I have to meet expectations, or that I have to work with everyone, or that I really want to do something, but I'm not sure if it's OK, I hope that I can remember that it was OK and feel better.

"I would like people to use it when they want to get courage to say, "Anything is OK as long as it is agreed upon, like this.
It took a lot of courage for me to take on the challenge of this work and to go to the members to get their agreement.
(I hate people who choose to get involved in other people's work in this way without consulting them before or after.)

This work is not done as a commercial illustrator, but as an artist.
I usually make a living out of creating illustrations and designs that meet my expectations in terms of tone and manner, but in this case, I'm ignoring that.
I processed my own face as an alien and entered it as a foreign object in the wonderful screen.

From the three artists who worked on this project before me, I received an unearned sincerity in creating the right answer and meeting expectations.
I am trying to be sincere in trying to do the "wrong" thing in a way that makes the three of them stand out.
At first glance, this may seem like overly aggressive self-assertion, but I think what makes it stand out as OK is the tolerance and skill of the other three creators involved and Adobe. However, when this only appears as an unpleasant screen to others, it will be seen as all my responsibility.
If there is a "problem" with the screen, it is obviously a problem caused by a particular person, me.
It is worth doing this if I can be sure that others involved will not lose money and that the responsibility will come to me.
If you like this screen, it means that you can love incorrect answers, challenges, and courage.

In advance, Adobe's side said, "Anything goes, just have fun.
All the relay creators agreed that the recipient could use all the work as photo stock in any way they wanted. However, I think it is necessary to consider and discuss whether or not the people involved will not like it or lose money. It is neither beautiful nor interesting to make others involved feel bad.
(After the project was completed, we explained and discussed whether it should be an alternate plan or not.
Their work is so wonderful. I am doing this for my existence, and they should be too. I can only imagine their skill and effort. I can conceive of the tremendous process of accomplishing their work and achievements. They are at the summit of what can be achieved by stretching one's legs, observing, doing a lot of work, and acting kindly. However, the joy of creativity is not only open to those who aim to reach it.

I thought it was necessary to talk about how creativity also exists as a means to get out of the expected path.
Creativity, as a rule, is about destroying previous dreams. There are no exceptions to this, in my opinion.
The other is, in principle, a harm to the other. The buildings shown on the screen, the city, contains a rebellious existence.
Can we forgive when something inconvenient is blatantly made visible?
This time it was forgiven.
If we cannot forgive, then there is nothing wrong with that.

The day will only come for you when you are not allowed to be "incorrect" in the same way.
Even if this challenge works against my own business in the future (because there is a zone of commercial correctness in creativity, but I didn't do it this time), I'm proud to have worked here to show that there is no right answer in creativity for JOY. I'm also grateful for the generosity of all involved.

It's been a lot of JOY!

2021 AdobeMAX insider Collaboration TEAM2

2021 AdobeMAX insider Collaboration TEAM2

AdobeMAX insider Collaboration THEME = CREATE WITH JOY Our Creative「楽しみのためのクリエイティブに正解は存在しない(There is no right answer to creativity for JOY)」
