The Shabbos Project presents: Candles and Kiddush

The brief

Get people to pledge and commit to lighting candles and saying kiddush weekly whilst encouraging them to learn about and understand the meaning behind these two Mitzvot. 

The solution

The moments of lighting Shabbat candles and saying Kiddush are conscious acts of leaving behind and bringing in. We created a series cards that not only express the meaning behind lighting Kiddush candles but played with the idea of leaving behind in order to bring in. The abstract illustrations juxtapose hard edges with soft elements that almost fade away to highlight the act of leaving the week and its stressors behind in order to bring Shabbos and its peace in.

The Shabbos Project presents: Candles and Kiddush

The Shabbos Project presents: Candles and Kiddush

A series of educational cards that explain the importance of the act of lighting candles on Shabbat.


Creatieve disciplines