Using technology, such as Pinterest, I was able to gather inspiration for my project. I was able to find vector portraits and used them for inspiration on the style of my tiger. My tutorial taught me how to use the ShapeBuilder tool in more depth. I got the idea for my vector tiger from a mix of a past project of mine and one of the student examples. This helped me draw sketches to give me a starting point for my project.
­          If Pinterest did not exist, I would have gathered inspiration from a different source. I could use a different website, nature, or even from student examples for inspiration if Pinterest didn’t exist. Creating this wouldn’t have been possible without Illustrator.
          Technology lets you learn more about other artists by allowing them to share their work with you. If they do, it can help you understand their art style. Through technology, artists can upload tutorials for others to view and learn.
Vector White Tiger

Vector White Tiger

Open Project 1 for DID III
