Profiel van Thomas Harlin

The MIXI by DJ Pitchfork

The MIXI, by DJ Pitchfork
What is The MIXI?
The MIXI is an Arduino-Based MIDI control board for use in digital music production. Through software, the 8 buttons, 3 rotary potentiometers, and the slide potentiometer can be tripled to offer much more control over your music applications.
Why DJ Pitchfork?
For this project, each student had to create their DJ alter ego. For me, I drew upon a Nickname I've had since high school, originating from the time when I plunged a pitchfork into my foot while doing yardwork. The nickname followed me through Highschool into college, and I thought using it to represent my music career was pretty appropriate.
More About The MIXI
The MIXI PCB was hand designed in EasyEDA, and hand soldered by me. The wooden case was designed using Fusion360, and cut using our laser cutter. Using this MIDI controller, I was able to produce and perform an original track for our final presentation!
Want to see a distorted and muddled DJ performance? Look no further!
The MIXI by DJ Pitchfork


The MIXI by DJ Pitchfork


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