mihai deliman 님의 프로필

008 The Best from: Grutas da Moeda

Click on the map
008.01 This is Grutas da Moeda (a limestone cave) and here is what you need to know: it was “found” quite recently in the ’70s by two hunters that happen to be at the right place at the right time. Well even if they were here 100 yrs earlier or later... the cave would have still been here.
008.02 Since the discovery of this cave, more and more of the limestone millennial formations are been explored, studied and showcased to those who venture to Fatima region, in Portugal.
008.03 We found the cave by watching the map. We got pretty early in the region of Fatima so by looking around we saw this cave so we said sure, why not. And we made a great choice! We really loved it and if we ever go back in the region, it will be for this (and see next article). 
008.04 And it is super beautiful and we saw a few caves in our life so far, but this one is huge and you can sit upright. (even in hot summer days, please pack a sweater/hoodie for this cave, or you shall freeze) At each area we had plenty of time to sit a bit and "print" all in our minds. 
008.05 There is a guided tour (obviously), there are light spots everywhere and they let you take pictures. I mean you can take one or two selfies with the family (unlike in France/Spain where you barely have time to tie the shoes).
008.06 The cave is so diverse and well lit that I made all these pictures hand held (Canon 760D + Sigma Art 18-35mm f/1,8). I had no need for a tripod, but anyway I don't think they would allow it. A group of 30 people (or more) cannot wait for one individual.  
008.07 There aren't many stairs in this cave (only in the beginning and in the end). No letters to climb so you don't really need much equipment. There were many people with sandals, but I think they froze a bit. So yeah it is pretty easy to navigate around this one. 
008.08 Depending on the day (when we were, it was full of Portuguese tourists) the tours are offered in several languages (like everywhere in Portugal). In our case, even if we were only 2 (a couple), they actually translated for us also which really impressed us a lot.  Maybe they heard us before entering that we are not Portuguese. So because we were the last to receive informations, we had a good 1-2 minutes to make some pictures, before we had to pay attention. 
008.09 They told us that the cave was recently discovered, and that there are others being still discovered. They had some sections closed but what is available is a lot. 
008.10 We did not see bats but we were not the first group in the morning. We did see other caves in France, where we saw bats sleeping... Here it was super great and very, very diverse. Ah an no giant spiders neither. 
008.11 Doesn't it look like an underground cathedral? So beautiful, and all made drop by drop in hundreds of thousands of years.
008.12 We said in the beginning that this cave is relatively close to Fatima, but we do not suggest walking from there to here (especially in summer). But you can take a cab (if you don't have a car).
008.13 This is the last spot in our journey (in 2018) but in the future when you visit, perhaps more sections will be opened
008.14 This is a spot were al families, friends, travellers, kids, couples make photos. The guide is so great, he offers to make the photos (and he made great ones, for free). 
008.15 In the end we felt so bad that we were treated so well that we deduced to buy each some souvenirs from the shop to help them more.
While looking at the diverse catalog of objects to buy (that are affordable), we came across several posters about Dinosaurs. The person in charge of the store (same people as for the cave) told us that if we want to visit that place, we should really hurry up. Se called the place for us and told us that they will wait but we could not make a full tour of the area because they close.
So before we present the next great place from our adventure here are a few thoughts:
1. We rated 3 stars out of 5 because not everybody loves going in caves. If you are someone who loves nature and diversity, history and everything (actually) in general, then this cave is actually a 4,5 out of 5 stars. Great lights, great details, great preservation, great guides, great tour and great time also (40-45 minutes). Wish we had paid a bit more so we can stay 60 minutes + (officially and not because the guide was really great). With that extra money I wish they would make some publicity... then I will give them 5/5 :) 
2. If you want to come here, better do it in the morning because chances are you won't forget warmer clothes. This cave is close to Fatima so if you stay there, you should really come here (no excuses).
3. If you are into photography, we advice to have a wide lens, and very opened. I had a 18mm with f/1,8. My wife had a 35mm f/1,2 and did not have pictures more sharp. It is better something more wide than more fast. Modern phones (like iPhones 12) could manage the light present in the cave. 

We thank you for visiting this article and this page and hope to see you in our next destination: Serra de Aire

008 The Best from: Grutas da Moeda

008 The Best from: Grutas da Moeda

In this article we arrive close to Fatima, in a wonderful cave Grutas da Moeda that was recently discovered and it is one of the best we ever saw 자세히 보기
