A short film by Danny Rubyono
Sojourner is a short experimental film derived from crossed-pollination of ideas that transpired over the course of 6 months. Original idea was to depict the abstract process of creativity and how it came about. Then, over time the idea has evolved into something that is more human and less about process. I came across this beautiful excerpt written by David H. Roper, which encapsulate the idea that I was going to convey about journey of life. "The brevity of life makes us think about our “end”—the measure of our days and how fleeting they are, a feeling that grows more certain as we draw closer to the end of our lives. This world is not our home; we’re but strangers and sojourners here."



The concept for this short film is about journey of life. "The brevity of life makes us think about our “end”—the measure of our days and how fle Read More
