Elizabeth Gilmour's profile

Digital Illustration - Recent Work

Recent Work on Illustrator
campus: isometric imagining of heart-shaped campus, 2022
A mixture of old and new, UCLA campus is a place to walk and contemplate. An isometric project in all its details would be infinite; this is an impressionistic view of the campus in my heart and mind.
solaris: movie poster based on 1972 polish version, 2021
Poster inspired by Polish take on the movie Solaris (Russian: Солярис), a 1972 Soviet science fiction film by Andrei Tarkovsky that centers on a space station orbiting the fictional planet Solaris, where a scientific mission has stalled because the skeleton crew of three scientists has fallen into emotional crisis. A psychologist travels to the station in order to evaluate the situation, only to encounter the same mysterious phenomena as the others.
the broken circle breakdown, movie poster in illustrator, 2021
A Belgian movie about country bluegrass music, love, faith, and loss. Elise and Didier fall in love at first sight, in spite of their differences. He talks, she listens. He's a romantic atheist, she's a religious realist. Their love is put to trial when their daughter becomes seriously ill. 
great white egret in los osos, watercolour simulation, 2021
In North America, large numbers of great egrets were killed around the end of the 19th century so that their plumes, known as "aigrettes", could be used to decorate hats. In 1953, the great egret in flight was chosen as the symbol of the National Audubon Society, which was formed in part to prevent the killing of birds for their feathers. 
life on mars? digital illustration project, 2021
Created with self-portrait on iPhone 11 Pro Max portrait mode, patterns created from photos of petroglyphs and household objects in Adobe Capture, set in Adobe Illustrator. Lyric extract from David Bowie's "Life on Mars?" song (creation arc 1968-1971).
insomnia: the sleep game, infographic, 2021
One of the casualties in the time of COVID-19 is quality sleep. Alternating between sleep deprivation and binge-watching Squid Game, I created a data visualization project based on my research on sleep and how to improve my odds of getting a good night's sleep.
griffith observatory, 2021
Digital sketch of LA landmark for map project, using Illustrator.
dodger stadium, 2021
Digital sketch of LA landmark for map project, using Illustrator.
les pâtisseries françaises de LA, 2021
Map to some French pastry shops in Los Angeles. Objects and artwork created in Illustrator. Imaginary tour of some sites, with a croissant and café au lait along for the ride!
herstory experience tea, hypothetical product mockup, 2021
In 2020, the long-standing racial inequity and social injustice came to the fore in the throes of the pandemic as we helplessly watched George Floyd getting murdered on our screens. Racial brutality is still an appalling reality. It is my hope that we can bring our histories together and all genders and races can expect safety, advancement, prosperity, and justice as their birthright. 
kiev via toronto to prague (1969-2021), 2021
Digital illustration inspired by travel, family friends, and household artifacts. Created with Astute Graphics plugins on Adobe Illustrator.
Digital Illustration - Recent Work


Digital Illustration - Recent Work
