Umbra Summer 2020 Window Display

To celebrate the summer season, I helped to bring this concept to life with a team from the design and marketing departments at Umbra. We displayed a new product release, the Tipsy Bottle Opener, to create an eye-catching display at the flagship Store.

Umbra Fall 2020 Window Display

Taking inspiration from fall 2020 design trends, we created an elegant leaf backdrop in vibrant fall colours to display our top product pick from Umbra's catalog - the Fountain Planter displayed front and center.
See video here

Umbra Winter 2020 Window Display

For the winter display, we highlighted the top gift picks of the season while embracing the brightness and cheer of the season with a mirrored display.
See video here

Umbra Spring 2021 Window Display

I had the opportunity to design the spring window display, and I really wanted to showcase planters for spring, contrasting with a trendy pink arch backdrop.
See video here
Umbra Window Displays
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Umbra Window Displays

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