Профиль Sergey Irkhin

Depositphotos: brand video & motion graphics

Анимационный дизайн
After Effects
Depositphotos is one of the largest content marketplaces, connecting photographers, operators, and illustrators with millions of buyers all over the world. Crevv worked on the new brand identity, and I was involved as motion graphics designer and video editor.
The film introduces the audience to the new brand identity, as well as tells about the company.
Scope of work: motion graphics, video editing
Fun fact! During the video production, Depositphotos increased the number of users by a million
Old to new logo animation
Brand colors section
3D cables RND
Logo animation & packshot
The logo animation repeats the idea of a camera logo that joyfully clicks the shutter.
This idea was expanded in the packshot, where the logo successfully masks the photo or video content
Motion graphics templates for social media
Branded colors are actively used in templates and animations for stories
Me: motion design, video editing
Design, art direction: Nata Ivanova, Anton Ivanov

Portfolio: sergeyirhin.com
Depositphotos: brand video & motion graphics


Depositphotos: brand video & motion graphics
