Fémina means female. This is a reader that focus on different, beautiful and strong female perspectives on the world, through time. We feel the urge to talk about Art, Design, Education, Gender, History, Politics, Sexuality, Time through the eyes, words and bodies of the ones who live them. We want women to also be our heroes, to talk about their achievements, failures, feelings. Terms like “common”, “usual”, “normal” are meant to be questioned. Fémina is asking why, who, when, how.

This reader gathers essays, articles, texts by Adrienne Rich, Catriona Moore, Ewa Majewska, Georgina Cole, Jacqueline Millner, Linda Nochlin, Martha Scotford, Sam Richardson, Sheila de Bretteville.
Blogs and initiatives such as AlphabettesKerning the Gap, Women of Graphic Design, NotAMuse, Woo, hwod, and many more have highlighted contemporary female practitioners; open-source spreadsheets and databases abound featuring female-identifying type and poster designers; independent print publications promote underrepresented designers, including Riposte, which publishes creative women’s stories, and OOMK, which highlights women from diverse ethnic and spiritual backgrounds; online platform Depatriarchise Design champions intersectional perspectives and runs workshops on design strategies that go beyond binary thinking. All of this work, and more, comes from feelings of urgency and inequality, a dispersed but collective set of grievances with the status-quo in the design profession. “A complaint can lead to a recognition of what is shared,” writes the feminist scholar Sara Ahmed. So one by one by one by one, we’ll just carry on complaining.
FÉMINA reader
190x110 mm / 143 pages / 2021
Thank you!

