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Tips to maintain your tyres

Tips to maintain your three-wheeler tyres in good condition

A tuk-tuk is a three wheeled vehicle that can be found on the streets of many Asian cities, including Sri Lanka. It is an iconic symbol of this region and one of the most popular modes of transportation in these countries. As with any vehicle, keeping your tyres well maintained is important to ensure safety while driving around town or touring other parts of the country.

Replacing tyres is not that hard these days, because you can find three wheel tyres online in Sri Lanka supplied by many reputed vendors, however it is important to know how to properly maintain your tyres so that you can get the maximum use out of them, rather than going and buying tyres online every few months or so.

Tips on how to maintain your tyres.
Keep your tyres inflated to the correct pressure.
The right tyre pressure is important for the safety and stability of your three-wheeler. Check tyre pressures at least once a week to ensure they are inflated correctly. Ensure you check the pressure when tyres are cold, as temperature rises, so does inflation pressure in your tyres. Checking tyre pressures with an air compressor is one way to be sure that your tyres have been properly inflated. However, there is another method which can help you save money on equipment; using a bicycle pump. Just be careful not to over inflate them though as this may lead to accidents or even damage from too much stress on parts like valve stems or wheel rims. You should also avoid any damage from underinflation, such as increased tread wear and poor fuel economy. This can also cause the tyres to overheat which can lead to failure. Maintaining your tyre pressure is important because it makes you and other road users safer, as well as saving fuel and prolonging puncture resistance. Your three-wheeler will also perform better when the correct tyre pressures are used (ideal for long trips).

Tread depth.
Tyre tread depth should be checked regularly too; at least once every two weeks. If they're not worn out (less than 0.12 inches), then there shouldn't be any reason why you need new ones yet. However, if you notice your three-wheeler’s tyres wearing out too quickly, then they probably need replacing. There are two ways to check the tread depth of your tyres; using a coin or with a special tool.

Check for any damage, such as a puncture or a hole in the tyre.
Damaged tyres can cause a lot of problems, such as unexpected blow-outs. Look for any damage on your tyres and replace them if necessary. Areas to check include:
Check the tyre tread condition.
Inspecting the sidewall of the tyre - also look out for cracks or bulges which can be a sign that there's too much pressure in your tyres. If you find anything suspicious, bring it to your mechanic right away as these are common signs of underinflation, overloading or poor maintenance.
Checking tyre pressure using an air gauge. Tyres should have between 25 PSI (pounds per square inch) and 32 PSI depending on their load capacity & driving conditions; check with your garage what is suitable for you.
Regularly checking tyres before long journeys: It may sound like common sense but it can't hurt to double check all these points prior to starting any journey with your tuk tuk no matter what distance you plan on traveling.

Clean off dirt and debris from around the tyre with water and soap.
Dirt and debris on your tuk tuk tyres can cause them to wear out more quickly and can reduce grip. Keeping the three-wheeler tyres clean of any dirt and debris will help ensure they last longer. You can use a brush to clean out any stubborn dirt that won't come off and keep your tyres clean and well maintained.

Avoid driving on rough surfaces which can cause uneven wear on the treads of your tyres.
Uneven wear on your tyres can cause your vehicle to handle unpredictably. Avoid driving on rough surfaces or potholes in the road if you can help it. You can check for uneven wear by looking at the tyres. The wear should be even and not too deep into the tyre itself. Deep treads will affect how well your tuk tuk handles on uneven roads or surfaces, especially with a full load of passengers or cargo.

With a few simple steps, you can improve your three-wheeler’s tyre lifespan and reduce the chances of breakdown. These tips will help to maintain your tyres in good condition for years to come. While maintaining your tyres well is important, it is equally important to replace them when needed. This is not too difficult since you can find suitable tyres online in Sri Lanka.
Tips to maintain your tyres

Tips to maintain your tyres


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