Ray Thibeaults profil

digital media but like out of order

this is my warhol self portrait, as you can see, it is not a self portrait, those are kittens, I am a human being. I dont really know what else to say here
I am 100% aware that I did this incorrectly, however I find it far more artistic than if I was to follow in everyone else's footsteps and follow the tutorial exactly. I might as well have copied and pasted it if I did. I'm not sorry. :)
Weird see-through squares, I did what you wanted, are you happy now?
The initial logos. My favorite is the third one where they're almost touching but not quite. 
the second fauvist painting, its so bright and colorful, and I think it could have been beautiful if they weren't rectangular and mechanic. I feel like i've mutilated someones passion.
the first fauvist painting, its dull and soulless, the original was full of emotion. I'm sorry ;-;
this was my unity grid, an emotional piece built with the different parts of a monster, I preferred when it was black and white, but this is ok I guess.

This is my self portrait. It came out a lot more colorful than I wanted it to, but that's beside the point. Every aspect of this self portrait represents something that has to do with me, more specifically my mental state and the struggles I have with my mental health. The main body of the image represents how I show myself on the outside, a colorful exciting person with a smile on their face. The laughing clown head represents my manic fits, moment in my life where emotion overflows and, no matter what the emotion or how appropriate it is in the moment, I cant help but burst into an unwanted fit of laughter. Despite the fact that I'm laughing, usually the emotion is fear/anxiety. The greyish one with a hollow stomach and no head represents the difficulty I have understanding my own emotions, which can lead to really violent confusion. Usually I write strong emotions off as hunger and resort to eating whatever I can get my hands on. The two headed part represents the two sidedness of my emotions, how easily I can get overwhelmed when more than one emotion comes into play, and how conflicted I feel almost 24/7. The green monster with hands for feet and two paws on mismatching arms represents my constant desire for chaos. When things grow quiet around me, I'm left alone with my thoughts, I'm stuck inside my own head and left to reflect on myself. It's a scary thing, when i am my very own least favorite person, and so I fill my life with chaos and noise however I can. Chaos reigns. The television screen represents disassociation. Sometimes, I feel my consciousness recede to the back of my skull, I lose awareness of my body and become a spectator trapped in a body I despise. When this happens, I cant exactly control or understand my physical actions, my responses become delayed and i eventually forget what I'm doing and where I am, even my own name and age become a bit harder to remember. I know I'm very good at hiding my disassociation, but I have been told that a few of my very close friends can tell when its happening.

digital media but like out of order

digital media but like out of order


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