Annette Meiser-von den Eichen 的个人资料

App for Patients in the Emergency Department

Bachelor Thesis, 2019 at HTW Berlin, Communication Design
A Human-Centered App for Patients in the Emergency Department

The “NotHelfer” is an application that greatly improves the frustrating process for patients in the emergency room.

The app guides the patient from the moment of the symptom to leaving the rescue centre and supports especially young people who are going this way for the first time.

Discovery & Research: Shadowing in Hospital, Interview, Desk Research and defining the problem
Ideation: Facilitating Ideation WorkshopPrototyping, Conception, Peer Research, Benchmark
Prototype & Test: User InterfaceUser Experience, Iterations, User Testings in Hospital, Branding
App for Patients in the Emergency Department

App for Patients in the Emergency Department
