Mila Serfonteins profil

Brand Challenge for Live Client - AfrikaBurn

Live Client Brief: AfrikaBurn
While completing my Advanced Diploma in Copywriting at The Red & Yellow Institution, we completed briefs with live clients. This "Brand Challenge" client was AfrikaBurn. All copy was written by me. 
We aimed to convert citizens of the default world who don't buy in to the true ethos of AfrikaBurn to understand it is more than just a week in the desert by communicating the stories of those who have experienced the transformative movement that is AfrikaBurn.

Travel Light
Burning an Eternal Flame

This campaign is a social experiment. We wanted to focus on the 11th principle, Each One Teach One, as it is paramount that we use the stories of those who have experienced AfrikaBurn to teach people about the movement. Essentially, we are Using Each One of AfrikaBurn's stories to Teach One another how to travel light. 
Creative Team:
Isabella Cockroft [Graphic Designer]
Janine Louw [Graphic Designer]
Refentse Malatji [User Centre Design]
Skye Medall [Illustrator]
Teniel Stopford [Illustrator]

A video explaining the social experiment. The copy at the end is incorporating the different events into the Call to Action. Please enjoy. 
Below is how how the website would look like. The order is left to right. All copy is written by me. 
Brand Challenge for Live Client - AfrikaBurn

Brand Challenge for Live Client - AfrikaBurn


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