Whenever I go for a walk I make it a point to listen to some folk music whether it is the Sound of nation by @itsamittrivedi or some Bharatnatyam or folk dance by @akshayayre (I listen to the music being played in his shows and the dances are superbly executed) or even the Kuravanji music where my Guru @grishma.lele performed on (I love that dance its my super favourite ) my walking speed is according to these music and its my imagination time. The music and everything surprises me and I just love that feeling.
I had been thinking to do some folk art thing for a really long time I even searched about madhubani art on @pinterestindia I even painted my canvass black hoping to make a nice warli painting similar to what my fiya @rathod.poonam has at here house but I was not satisfied with the designs and I ended up repainting it (its still blank and will be till I get a good idea). I searched some more indian art related content yesterday and I realised I always wanted to draw something related to elephants rather than fishes and peacock which I saw in madhubani and ended up drawing these elephant shapes I was sure to put something in the background and I ended up painting my fav coconut leaves (so therapeutic) I was initially scared but i did it anyways (scared cause i didn’t want to redraw the whole cute elephants again) and then i gave it my doodle touch and here is the final output tadaaaaaaaa and I am loving it. Bohot gyaan ho gaya hope u like it tho 😅😂❤️

Elephant prints


Elephant prints
