"Sexual violence destroys the lives of millions of women, men and children. Stigma and fear are obstacles that prevent these victims from breaking the silence and seeking necessary health and psychological care."

يحطّم #العنف_الجنسي حياة ملايين الأشخاص من نساء ورجال وأطفال. وتشكل #وصمة_العار والخوف عائقا يمنع هؤلاء" "الضحايا من كسر حاجز الصمت وطلب الرعاية الصحية والنفسية اللازمة.

As part of MSF Lebanon's Inktober initiative, using art to raise awareness on several medical and humanitarian issues, I had the honor to produce this illustration.

The artwork aims to depend on visual symbolism in a way that does not describe nor directly refer to any act of violence. It addresses the state of self-isolation and shame that survivors might suffer from and highlights the importance of solidarity, community, feelings of belongingness, and of social empowerment in rising above the draining flow of their own thoughts and feelings.
MSF SpeakInk


MSF SpeakInk


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