Brand: Woolrich Inc.

Task: Typographic ad. Gives this traditional outdoor clothing line an urban appeal targeting younger demographic.

I started out with research and based off what I saw Woolrich just want to make their outdoor clothing more mainstream, which to me looks very SOHO-ish and “hipster” like. Being that I am a part of the younger demographic they are trying to target, I went for something that I would like to see. One thing I like to see when looking at clothing brand is TEXTURE. I went with and upclose view of the fabric so that we can get a sense of what it would feel as we look at the advertising. Then I went with their well-known flannel plaid pattern on top of some wool, as well as this fun modern solid stencil typeface. The second element that helped with the connection for traditional look more urban is the subhead and it says “The original outdoor clothing company, from the trails to the city streets” which ties the design together. 



