TEAM PROJECT                                                                                                                                                              / FEBE MOYAERT /
A painting I edited in After Effects to create motion
Since a couple of years the city museum of Kortrijk is closed. A huge collection of art is no longer accessible to view. For this reason the city looked for a solution to show the art to the public without needing a physical building. Our goal was to make the large, hidden art collection of Kortrijk visible, in an attractive way, for the people in the streets. As a solution we presented BoxArt. 

BoxArt is a 3D printed casing based on a View-Master, a toy everyone recognizes from childhood. When you look into the Viewmaster you can see videos of the Museum's paintings. Movement is brought into the paintings by making small videos that tell little stories created with After Effects. These videos are shown on a screen mounted in the casing. With every painting the integrated speakers play a different tune. The hearing of the sounds should attract the people around to take a look.

/ PROCESS/ At the beginning of the project, we devided the roles in our team. Together with an other industrial design teammember, I created the videos using Photoshop, After Effects and Premiere. The third industrial designer created the BoxArt viewmaster case. At last the fourth team member, who studied embedded systems, created the technology inside the viewmaster using a Raspberry Pi 3B+ as heart of the system. In the beginning we mainly received abstract paintings and tried to create an interesting combination between motion and sound. Going further in the project, we decided to show classic paintings with people or animals in. With these paintings we were able to show a full collection with story in the viewmaster to the public.
What you see when you take a look into BoxArt.
Example of an edited painting to a video.
The 3D printed BoxArt viewmaster is divided in four parts with the according technology.
A test I did at the beginning of the project to see what can be done to make an abstract painting more interesting
Another test I did of an abstract painting at the beginning of the project


