Sketching Europe
Field Sketches and Place Studies
From February to May of 2010, I spent time studying the architecture and landscape architecture of Western Europe. Part of our requirement, was to complete a detailed sketch book of the various structures and spaces we visited. Some of the more intricate sketches were completed on my own time taking an average of 45-60 mins. Some of the quicker, looser sketches were done during site visits with time restrictions enforced by the professor, usually 15-30 mins. These sketches were all completed while fully immersing myself into the environment, culture, and surroundings of each space. 
During our Study Abroad program, I spent time in London, England - Dublin, Ireland - Edinburough, Scotland - Paris, France - Rome, Italy - Barcelona, Spain - Berlin, Germany - Munich, Germany - Athens, Greece and Malta.  
Tower Bridge - London, England
Las Ramblas - Barcelona, Spain
Olympic Beach - Barcelona, Spain
Big Ben - Westminster, England
The Reichstag Building - Berlin, Germany
Monmarte Art District - Paris, France
Japanese Fountain - Berlin, Germany
The Roman Forum - Rome, Italy
The Arc de Triomphe - Paris, France
The Eiffel Tower - Paris, France
Trafalgar Square Character Study - London, England
"Studying people interactions during different times of the day."
Hyde Park Character Study (Pg.1) - London, England
"Studying the interactions with and of water."
Hyde Park Character Study (Pg.2) - London, England

"Studying the interactions with and of water."
Westminster Abbey - Westminster, England
Sagrada Familla - Barceliona, Spain
Hand Sketches

Hand Sketches

These are some of the field sketches I did while traveling around Europe. This was part of Michigan State University's Landscape Architecture Stu 자세히 보기


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