DUCKT™ - Micromobility Charging Station

We help organize public space, lower operation costs and create 
a better experience for MaaS with our plug&play universal adaptor and IoT charge solution.
There are 30 million new micromobility vehicles expected to enter our lives by 2030. Micromobility vehicles entering our lives even in 2021 show the growing pains with transportation in our cities. As DUCKT™, we believe, as every transportation mode, ever expanding micromobility solutions also need dedicated infrastructure.. This infrastructure should be universal and suitable for every micromobility vehicle. We created DUCKT™ to solve this problem.
“The aim of this trial is to provide a last-mile infrastructure solution that links public transport and shared micro-mobility. Micromobility is solving a critical problem in our cities, it is crucial that any solution is focused on enabling its benefits for all, making it more accessible, sustainable & integrated.
Can you see the happy customer?

Actually, let's not call her a customer, that person is you or someone else. Our pain related to micromobility is increasing day by day. As a designer, it's our job to improve users' happiness and experience!

As city dwellers, we want to see aesthetic things on the streets. Basic geometries formed the cornerstone of this design. Because we meet basic geometries in our infancy. The shapes we meet in our infancy are familiar and close to us in every aspect of our lives. That's why these stations will sound familiar to you from somewhere.
Let’s talk about simple. With this adapter all vehicles can work with DUCKT™​​​​​​​ stations!
Sustainable mobility infrastructure solutions are playing a key role in addressing the climate crisis. 
The European mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) market is estimated to be worth €380m by 2023!
B1 has a dock, lock and charge with one port for all micromobility vehicles.  
B2 has a dock, lock and charge with two ports for all micromobility vehicles.
P1 is a bridge that enables these stations to open up to the internet.
These stations are not only used by sharing operations and their vehicles. As a city resident, you will have access to our adapters and use it with your private vehicle.
Thanks for watching!
Please follow us on Instagram & Linkedin

DUCKT™ Design Team
Head of Design - Evren Yazıcı
Sr. Product Designer - Emre Özsöz
Jr. Product Designer - Alimşan Kablan
Jr. Product Designer - Pelin Özbalcı

Also, special thank you all for your support.
Co-founder Gökşen Atalay
Head of Software Onur Güven
Automotive Leader Ömer Burhanoğlu
EIT InnoEnergy Head of Investments CEE - Łukasz Skarka
Visual Creative Direction & Creation Fulden Dehneli
Photographer and Production Kemal Seçkin & Seçkin Tonbak
DUCKT™ - Micromobility Charging Station

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DUCKT™ - Micromobility Charging Station

Micromobility Charging Station
