A mixture of geometric design with 3D rendering animation Geometric Design
I would like to explain my workflow to this animation project. This is an individual project using simple geometrical shapes combine with Guangdong Mahjong to create 3D animation for execution. The project behind this is to create an abstract look and feel animation for inspiration.

At the first stage I will research the following materials including geometric sharps, colour palette and create a storyboard composition.
Project Timeline
Guangdong Mahjong or mah-jongg is a tile-based game that was developed in the 19th century in China and has spread throughout the world since the early 20th century. It is commonly played by four players 
I start with working out a test rendering for an individual mahjong block in order to see if it is matching the actual look and feel in terms of lighting, material and colour.
Colour grading in photoshop actually can enhance the image quality of the rendering. In this testing, I also apply extrusion to checking the movement of the animation. 
The second stage is to workout the 2D illustration for the mahjong block and mix with some geometric pattern, and I also a create a unique colour system, limited up to 4 colour.
2D Illustration mock up
The next step is to apply 2D illustration into 3D form, lighting and texture into the scene, do a test rendering and export into tif format
Low resolution test rendering with different camera angle
Testing the animatic rendering and passes from different angles to make sure all the lighting and transition is in correction order and in the best setting.
This is the final rendering and colouring 
Final Rendering
Mahjong Fracture

Mahjong Fracture
