Pendoring Finalist (2021) | Blitz | Student Work

To create a print campaign for Blitz in a language other than English. We decided to work in Afrikaans.

Blitz is a fire-lighter product widely used in South Africa and commonly associated with barbecuing (colloquially called a braai). 

English Translations

It's not a proper Christmas without Aunt Wilna's six-layer trifle with fresh farm cream and extra sherry that gets mom a bit tipsy. It's like a barbecue without Blitz.

It's not a proper December holiday family road trip to the seaside without an ice-cold-super-thick-pink-milkshake to wash down the egg sandwiches in the car. It's like a barbecue without Blitz.

Hot Dog
It's not a proper rugby match without a Free State hot dog with heaps of fried onion and a ridiculous decision from the referee. It's like a barbecue without Blitz.
Pendoring Finalist (2021) | Blitz | Student Work

Pendoring Finalist (2021) | Blitz | Student Work

A series of print ads to promote Blitz firelighters. By tapping into nostalgic insights that are relatable to a wide range of South Africans, we Read More
