Christopher Williams profili

Godzilla VS Penguin classic PS fun

This was an old project I made back in the ol' CS3 days. It was for a random website photoshop contest although I can not remember the name of that place. We were given a photo of everybody's favorite giant city destroying, flame breathing, giant radioactive lizard and perform our Photoshop magic to him. My idea was to have him facing off with another giant monster in the harbor. Hmmm...this sounds like a job for....
Ridiculous penguin in a Santa coat! I had cut this from the original photo with the marquee tools and then ran it through grain and b&w filters so it would fit in with the original Godzilla photo. 
I wanted the penguin to be more immersive by having it behind the bridge. Easy to do. Just had to make a copy of the bridge in a new layer and a little marquee and cut work...
And badda bing badda boom, we have Godzilla VS Penguinomax. About ten minutes of work total. I didn't win, but it was fun. It wasn't fun, I wouldn't have kept the PS file all these years. What do you think?
Godzilla VS Penguin classic PS fun
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Godzilla VS Penguin classic PS fun

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