Bookshelf - Jurassic Park

3D Motion
After Effects
Jurassic Park
An intro video for Bookshelf is live now. We took a scene from the Jurassic Park 93' movie and tried to do our version with Bookshelf's Sauroposeidon, a friendly fellow from the Cretaceous period. 

Role: Animation, lighting, texturing, compositing, SFX 
Software: Cinema 4D, Octane, After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro
Behind The Sauce
Client: Bookshelf
Year: 2020

Models by Harlie/Kaeul (changes were made)
Bookshelf - Jurassic Park

Project Made For

Bookshelf - Jurassic Park

An intro video for Bookshelf is live now. We took a scene from the Jurassic Park 93' movie and tried to do our version with Bookshelf's Sauropose Read More
