Nana Ewusi-Emmim 的個人檔案

To Master - More Research based on "Connections"

To Master - More research relating to "Connections" Project 
For this post, I will be writing why I decided to do music for my "connections" project. The reason why I am more committed to tackle my idea is because I read from a article that  explains why music can send humans to any kind of emotional state. Doing this idea has made me more determined to get the best possible outcome. 
The article I read was from Insider, and was talking about the impact music does to people's emotional state when listening to music through their headphones.  I am going to list five key sentences that has made my project more useful in the coming weeks. 

Five Key Sentences 
1. Twenty students were part of an experiment and half of them reported experienced chills when they listened to music. This meant that the students were emotional and fascinated with the song. 
2. When someone is listening to music, they can feel very intense emotions which releases adrenaline throughout the body. 
3. Usually when this happens, a person feels scared or frightened. Sometimes, adrenaline can be released when watching a passionate scene or listening to something that makes them happy. 
4. Studies have shown that when a sad person is listening to sad music, it can make them happier instead. 
5. Music helps people engage with their emotions. People often tend to listen to music to feel emotions such as happiness, sadness and even anger. People can also related to the song lyrics in a song as well, making them feel more connected. 
To Master - More Research based on "Connections"

To Master - More Research based on "Connections"

