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XIX Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010

The XIX Commonwealth Games, was an opportunity to showcase this new India. 
Delhi was chosen as the city with awe inspiring landmarks that are the heritage of the nation. A city that is known for its grand celebrations, its energy, its vitality and its big heart. Organising Committee Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi, needed to brand India. Brand it to its billions of people and the rest of the world.
Aim was to capture this wonderful spirit of Delhi in a form that is youthful, vibrant, generous and celebratory. We as a team worked with the Delhi Organising Committee to capture this wonderful spirit and bring this vison to life of celebrating CWG Delhi 2010. Brand that would be bringing people together and motivate tto strive and achieve. 
The logo for Delhi Games was inspired by the Indian Flag, representing 24 values of the 24 Spokes of the chakra. The Ashoka Chakra of the Indian Flag has 24 spokes, each of which represents an essential quality in a human being.While we all believe in them, this is a wonderful opportunity to revive these qualities in ourselves.The logo brings the Chakra alive, spiralling out of its embryonic form, gathering energy and momentum to become a young, emergent and resurgent India.A billion people reaching out to become ONE in the spirit of the Games. 
The colour palette for the Delhi 2010 look programme - Green: The colour that represents life, energy. Purple: Combining the stable and calming aspects of blue. Pink: The colour adding an element of surprise and luxury to the Games. Red Yellow & Blue: Commonwealth Games colours, representing the ‘Trinity of Values’ .
Below are very few examples of how the elements and colors were combined and used to brand the city with Delhi 2010 look. 
XIX Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010


XIX Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010

The Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi Brandmark/Symbol/Logo. Landmark project that branded the city and brought the world together.
