MOJO STUDIO's profile


Interior Design

TOWN.CO  I  堂口




"TOWN.CO" is located in Chengdu Liangziguang, which faces the Skateboard Park Square, where young people gather for skateboarding, cycling, street dancing and rap. And it is a vibrant neighborhood in the city center. Located close to Taikoo Li business circle and Daci Temple, it is a place where tradition meets modernity . 

The term "TOWN.CO" originally refers to a folk organization or gang in ancient times. Now it mostly refers to a place gathered for sacrifice, worship or some folk activities. The brand regards "TOWN.CO" as a pioneer youth gathering place chasing street culture, and creates a casual and comfortable social space for the new youth community with the new operation mode of self-service beer bar.

Oriental Cyberpunk
聚集在堂口的年轻人有自己的信仰,敢于突破自我,仿似现代社会的“江湖儿女”,这样关于堂口的画面便不难想象,设计雏形也由此产生。MOJO STUDIO为项目拟定关于“传统文化在未来社会保留状态”的设计命题,进行了一次Ancient Oriental Civilization和Cyberpunk的融合尝试,项目整体以传统中式对称的建筑结构作为设计基底,将典型的中式建筑造型类如:飞檐、格栅等元素应用其中,削弱了传统建筑本身的严肃与沉重,大屋檐下形成的半开放空间让凝固显得欲动。

The young people gathered at TOWN.CO have their own beliefs, dare to break through themselves, and look like the "sons of the earth" in modern society. In this way, it is not difficult to imagine the picture of TOWN.CO, and the design prototype is also produced. MOJO STUDIO formulated the design proposition of "the state of traditional culture in the future society" for the project, and made a fusion attempt of Ancient Oriental Civilization and Cyberpunk. The whole project takes the traditional Chinese symmetrical building structure as the design base, and applies typical Chinese architectural modeling elements such as cornices and grilles to it, which weakens the seriousness and heaviness of the traditional building itself, and the semi-open space formed under the large eaves makes the solidification seem to move.


Materials and lights reflecting modern science and technology are widely used in the framework of ancient buildings. The large transparent LED screen on the exterior facade makes the light belt running behind the screen vaguely visible. The light strip used in the general field changes color according to the time period, making the sense of Oriental more mysterious, and corresponding to the hologram that can be seen everywhere in the functional cyberpunk world. The expression of collision breaks the fixed impression of conventional "tradition" or "future" and creates unique and multiple experiences.



「功夫武侠 I 东方龙虎 I 街头江湖」是自助式酒吧品牌 堂口TOWNCO 视觉符号的关键词。

TOWN.CO is located in the Liangziguang skateboard square adjacent to Daci Temple in Chengdu, which is a gathering place for Pioneer young people who love street culture born from the collision and integration of new and old cultural geographical relations.

 "Kung Fu swordsman I Oriental Dragon and tiger I Street underworld" is the key word of the visual symbol of self-service bar TOWN.CO.



LOGO of chinese fonts are based on symmetrical blocks, and flatten the stroke details of traditional Chinese characters, making them have the charm of oriental cyberpunk. English fonts retain the thickness ratio of serif fonts, maintain the same block shape, increase the sense of function, and form an overall sense with Chinese fonts.



The graphic design takes the two representative elements of "dragon and tiger" with great Oriental meaning as the core visual expression, and takes the fun of drinking, alchemy, twist string and other elements as the auxiliary illustration layout, which jumps out of the way of traditional illustration performance to highlight the main KV, so that each icon has equal levels and has a separate meaning when presented independently. And in parallel typesetting, it conveys other interests according to the positional relationship. 

The fighting dragons and tigers wear hats and hold bats and wrenches, which are not only the rangers fighting for TOWN.CO, but also the young people who express themselves in the skateboard and motorcycle park. In contrast, the lightning flashes together create a Cyberpunk sense of tonality in TOWN.CO space design, which is in line with the design concept of "the traditional culture will remain in the future society" of the whole project.



The graphic visual elements of the brand are combined with martial arts and trendy street images and redesigned, which not only gives the picture a funny and humorous performance to create a unique visual atmosphere, but also clearly conveys the core concept of Tang Kou's Oriental cyberpunk.


项目名称:TOWN.CO I 堂口
Interior Chief Designer:Mojo Wang I 大雄
CAD Designer:刘航
Graphic Designers: 鲍Bao I Vistar
Illustrations: 元也 I Vistar I 点点
Motion Designers: Will I Huey I PD
Lighting:欧未照明设计 I Oway Lighting


