Curious Mice-
made in the image of a typical South African marshmallow sweet.
Porcelain and glaze. Made using clay Slip moulds.
Curious Mice-
aproximately 200 pieces in an installation 
Curious Mice
Fashion illustration-
Watercolours on watercolour paper
Authors Project- Rudyard Kipling and J.R.R Tolkien,
2 prints from a set of 12 portraits of famous Children's authors.
Monoprints with lithography ink on fabriano.
The Fat Pets- The Bird
A collection of Lithographs, studying the relationship we have to our pets and how we condition them. Taming natural habits. Lithographs drawn on limestone and hand printed on Fabriano paper.
The Fat Pets- The Fish
Lithograph drawn on limestone and hand printed on Fabriano paper.
The Fat Pets- The Feline
Lithograph drawn on limestone and hand printed on Fabriano paper.
The Fat Pets- The Canine
Lithograph drawn on limestone and hand printed on Fabriano paper.
The Fat Pets- The Rodent
Lithograph drawn on limestone and hand printed on Fabriano paper.
The Velveteen Rabbit-
Referring to a story where a toy is loved into becoming real.
Velveteen, Stuffing and accessories, made by hand
Growth- (Detail)
A bronze branch which appears to be growing out of an old chair, what was once a tree, alive and growing has value to us only once dead and manipulated as we see fit.
Bronze, found chair, embroidery
Fine Art

Fine Art

Some of the work created while at Michaelis school of Fine Art in Cape Town. Work ranging from porcelain slip molded mice and bronze casting to h Rozwiń
