Rethinking Housing Typologies in Bourj Hammoud
Having spent almost a month in research of Bourj Hammoud, and its ongoing tragedies and weighted history, it was time the residents receive an invite to their own space.

The objective was to rethink housing typologies in Bourj Hammoud. In a plot surrounded by industrial facilities, the curves seem to implement a break from rigidity. 
 Along with the playfulness a round shape would offer, it creates spaces within its center to form an common area that could support a hedonistic approach and functioning as a public space, implementing playful areas for the whole neighborhood.

A sloped pathway rests on the roof of the housing designed for temporary (intern) and working residents in the nearby places. The Slope is divided into 3 paths, 2 are covered with grass for users to walk exercise and enjoy the view, and 1 made of skating material to allow communal interaction. These trails are designed at a 1:12 slope with a maximum rise of 30” 

Inspirations for this project:

The relevance of social interactions on housing satisfaction - Article  in  Social Indicators Research · April 2007  | | Sustainable Housing: Principles and Practice edited by Brian Edwards, David Turrent

Sudradjat, Iwan & Estika, Nita & Kusuma, Yudhistira & Prameswari, Dewi. (2020). The hedonistic sustainability concept in the works of Bjarke Ingels. ARTEKS Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur. 5. 339-346. 10.30822/arteks.v5i3.487. Hedonistic Sustainability: Bjarke Ingels Discusses Designing a New Vernacular in the Face of Climate Change   by Joanna Kloppenburg
Helix of Jubilation


Helix of Jubilation

Rethinking Housing Typologies in Bourj Hammoud Having spent almost a month in research of Bourj Hammoud, and its ongoing tragedies and weighted Další informace


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