Waiting room 

This editorial project is an opportunity to open a discussion about ill health among creatives. 

To do this we will use the graduation collection of a friend. "Asylum" is the name of this collection. Through each garment has been diverted visual elements specific to psychiatric hospitals (tile pattern reminiscent of detention rooms or detour of the straitjacket).

Regarding the set, we would like to create an atmosphere of waiting room by having several chairs and elements that can make think of a waiting room.
The overall aesthetic is purified and minimalist to accentuate the cold and unwelcoming side of a waiting room.

To realize this editorial we will use slates that we will hang around the neck of the models indicating on them problems that they can express through words (stress, anxiety, burn-out etc.) we materialize their "Evils".

Among the references / archives that inspired this project: 
The photo series "Bus riders" by Cindy Sherman who through several characters described the various personalities that could be met on a same place in this case the bus stop.
Creative direction and styling @bonjourgully & @Viedeloup________
MUA @aya.aradia
Fashion design : @princessursa & @aimemaudet
Video VHS by @lealyze

Photography @silviamkvte

