Laura Uhliarová sin profil

Visualization of environmental issues

Visualization of environmental issues

The aim of this project was to find a method to interpret information about environmental issues to the general public. It is often said that we live in a time of ecological crisis, but there are still many people in society who are skeptical or do not believe that human activity have a negative impact on the environment. Based on this approach, I decided to demonstrate these environmental problems, which are still unknown or difficult for many to understand. The result was a video installation imitating a living room home scene. In several animations played on screen the viewer can see  possible visions and changes in the environment. However, it does not try to persuade or provide him with instructions how to make ecological decisions. It simply shows a likely fictional scenario, interpreting the problems of today and the following years through a medium close to viewer. Nevertheless, the viewer has still option of choosing which "program" to watch, but does not have the option to turn it off or stop it.
Stills from animations, "programs"
Visualization of environmental issues


Visualization of environmental issues
